The Problem

Those that identify as Christian in the United States are in a rapid decline. According to in a 2021 article, “Self-identified Christians make up 63% of U.S. population in 2021, down from 75% a decade ago”. (Source)
What is causing such a decline? What is the church (the broader use of the term) doing to not only retain believers but also to spread the gospel?
Why We Do What We Do
Walk Together Ministries believes that the Bible provides us with the definition and the plan to Disciple Making and that at the core of the decline is the lack of committed relationships between believers. In the age of cancel culture, where it is extremely easy to block, ignore, swipe, hide, or run, we partner with churches and believers to help them fulfill their calling of making disciples of all nations.
After years of struggling to find solid resources and guidance for many of our needs, watching group after group struggle to drive discipleship, and having an overall lack of guidance on how to make disciples myself, we found ourselves in a Men’s and Women’s Development Program at the Austin Stone church in Austin, TX. In this program, we learned a great deal about theology and how to study the Bible and they even briefly touched on how to share the gospel and bring the conversation back to Jesus. A couple years later, we attended a Discipleship Program through Wells Branch Community Church in Austin, TX. This taught us how to lead others and the value in doing life together and God gave us a passion and desire to build something for Him.
Shortly after, we moved our family to Papillion, NE and found ourselves in a similar situation in the past. How do we connect with others in a meaningful way? By taking our past experiences, identifying all the areas we have had struggles, taking the discipleship disciplines, consulting with numerous churches, elders, members, and believers, and putting together a guide to help those searching for similar resources.
If we can “do life together” in a biblical way, we believe it will radically transform the outlook in this country. We are simply one resource among many trying to help you fulfill what Jesus commanded us to do.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20
Mission Statement
Walk Together Ministries exists to partner with churches and believers in making disciples of Jesus Christ.
Vision Statement
Walk Together Ministries wants to use the examples set forth in the Bible to be a model for how to effectively build meaningful, faith driven relationship for all believers.